Ballet Competition 101 – YAGP

Ballet competitions are a great way to get performance experience. They can also lead to life changing dance opportunities. The competition season is kicking off. So, I thought it would be fun to share information on the biggest ballet competition in the world, the Youth America Grand Prix, better known simply as YAGP.

YAGP’s mission is to “ensure the future of dance” — and believe me, it’s working and you want to be a part of it!

Here is some background on YAGP and useful tips for those looking to participate.

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The Ballet Stylist Series – Part 2: Extensions

This is my second post in a series called, The Ballet Stylist. Last post, I showcased Lines. This post showcases Extensions — the two must always work together. A dancer’s extensions are pleasing to the spectator’s eye. Maybe they are so fascinating because – among many things, they seem to transport the dancer’s energy. A […]

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The Ballet Stylist Series – Part 1: Lines

For 2019, one of my biggest goals is improving my lines. Ballet is a visual art and a dancer’s lines can completely enhance and transform a movement. I’m learning there are a lot of elements that go into gorgeous ballet lines — turnout, straight knees, hyper-extension, pointed (not sickled) feet, winged feet, using the floor […]

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Sewing and Customizing your Pointe Shoes

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend — but on stage, it’s her pointe shoes! It can take a long time to learn the ins and outs of what works best for you. Today’s blog is devoted to sewing these incredible shoes and how to make them more comfortable.

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