Sewing and Customizing your Pointe Shoes

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend — but on stage, it’s her pointe shoes! It can take a long time to learn the ins and outs of what works best for you. Today’s blog is devoted to sewing these incredible shoes and how to make them more comfortable.

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Ballet Wardrobe Inspiration

Audition season has me dreaming of summer programs which of course, has me thinking about adding to my ballet wardrobe. You never want to detract from your dancing but when you are spending 6 days a week doing it, you should look and feel your best! Here are some groupings I am excited about!

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Balletomane’s Top Holiday Gifts

The holiday season is here! If you are giving a gift or making a list, check out these fabulous ideas for ballet dancers! Happy Shopping!

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Your Ballet Library

I once had this amazing French ballet teacher. She would often add historical insights into the positions or movements we were learning. For example, she would explain the history of the word en français, or tell us how the movement related to royal protocol or even fencing! It was surprising to me and added a whole new dimension to my learning. I loved it! 

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Fouettés 101!

Every ballerina wants to achieve a perfect 32 fouettés. How do we reach our goal? Practice, practice, practice…and some tips that can help.

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