Choosing a ballet coach

In the pre-professional world of ballet, having a coach can elevate your training and accelerate your progress. Coaching provides the one-on-one attention needed to fine tune technique and prepare you for competitions and auditions. Coaching is a great way to advance your training, but the key is finding the right coach.

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Sending all you Balletomanes a Happy World Ballet Day! I was happy to spend some time today reflecting on the love I have for our art form, and the many wonderful memories and friends I have made along the way. Here are some of those memories. I hope they conjure up nice ones for you, too!

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The best of the best | YAGP FINALISTS

The regional competitions take place all over the world, over a period of many months. The highest scoring dancers are invited to compete in the finals. If you want to watch the best young dancers in the world, check out this seven minute video showcasing the category winners from the 2019 YAGP Finals.

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strike a pose

Hi, Balletomanes! Hope everyone’s transition back to the studios is going well. Here are some beautiful photos that inspired me this week. I love their precision and elegance. Have a great week!

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Ballet Shoes: variety and function

Often when you start Fall classes, you’re asked to buy what feels like a million difference shoes. And while there are endless possibilities and combinations, once you understand the basic shoe types and their role in your training, it makes it much easier to decide what you need.

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